“Hacking Monuments” project
The monuments of Milano are the protagonists of the “Hacking Monuments” project, which has been curated by Simona Da Pozzo.
The artists
Their narrative function and the enjoyment by both activists and the city community is, in fact, redefined by a group of artists. They are: Marcio Carvalho (Lisbon/Berlin), Simona Da Pozzo (Naples/Rotterdam), Sophie Ernst (Rotterdam/Wakefield), Kiluanji Kia Henda (Luanda/Lisbon) and Sara Vanagt (Brussels).
New Spaces
Hacking actions allow for a moment activists to interrupt their usual narrative flow, and to turn these monuments into a space for a socio-political dialogue, a typical affaire of the hacking action.
The re-codification of the meaning of the monument
The performative act of this group of artists focuses on re-codification of the meaning of the monument, as well as on its value in relation to urban reality. Monuments are also transformed through the presence of objects and with specific actions by the artists.
The keyword of this experiment is redefining wich refers to the relation between the object and the artist and between the object itself and the transformation of reality. Monument therefore is also conceived as a place of confrontation, re-appropriation and transformation of the public dimension.