About/ Chi siamo

FYINpaper was born in August 2019. Now, after almost five years of an intense experience and with new strengthened human and ideal energies, we go on publishing new contents in addition to the usual ones but embodying them in an absolutely new site.

We certainly maintains our way of practicing critical mode “For Your INterest”, in favour of each individual who has become an inseparable part of the global condition, with all its pros and cons: an unprecedented condition in the history of humanity. Hence our synthesizing label: Criticism, Behaviour, Imagination, the last standing for beauty and creativity.

We also keep our basic leitmotifs, such as: the local-global relationship; the fundamental and metapolitical principle of “Money for people and not money for its sake” (almost a civil flag). Another topic: we are all “daily thinkers”, up to the point that the daily thinker (i.e., the “professional of just life and common sense”) is bread and butter for the “professional thinker”.

Also, FYINpaper offers its readers three new specializing publications: RAUSCHARTjournal/Into the New Millennium between theories and experiences, (with its wink at “inebriation”, the Nietzsche’s Rausch); CAMERAFYINjournal (a new glance at photography between history and research), COMICSmagazine (historical and emerging authors).

FYINpaper, forte dell’esperienza, intensa, di circa cinque anni (iniziata nell’agosto 2019), si rinnova nella veste grafica e nei contenuti. Mantiene, certo, lo spirito di fondo, di praticare il senso critico “For Your INterest”, a favore di ogni individuo che è ormai parte inseparabile di una condizione globale, con tutti i suoi pro e contro: una condizione inedita nella storia dell’umanità. Da qui una sorta di strillo che accompagna il sottotiolo: Criticism, Behaviour, Imagination (quest’ultima allude, ovviamente, alla bellezza e alla creatività a cui FYINpaper riserva speciale attenzione).

Continueremo nei nostri leit motiv: il rapporto locale-globale; il principio fondamentale e metapolitico condensato nello slogan “Il denaro per la gente e non il denaro per il denaro” (quasi una bandiera civile); o ancora: siamo tutti “pensatori quotidiani”, tanto che il “pensatore quotidiano” (vale a dire il “professionista della vita o del buon senso”) è, per il “pensatore professionista”, pane quotidiano.

Tra le novità, tre riviste all’interno di FYINpaper: RAUSCHARTjournal, CAMERAFYINjournal, COMICSmagazine. Quest’ultima si occupa del fumetto a 360° col coinvolgimento di tanti autori tra storicizzati ed emergenti. I due journal insistono su dimensioni retrospettive e anche prospettive, in quanto attenti alla ricerca, oltre che alla piena professionalità: RAUSCHARTjournal (col suo ammiccamento alla “ebbrezza”, il Rausch di Nietzsche) pulsa verso l’arte del nuovo millennio tra teoria ed esperienza). CAMERAFYINjournal si focalizza su un approccio “chiarificatore” alla fotografia basato su storia e aggiornamento della ricerca). 



MARCO DI BARI, an internationally performed composer; Ricordi, Rai Trade, Stradivarius, Venice Biennale have published his scores; professor at Imola International Music Foundation and Novara Conservatory.

SEBASTIANO GRASSO, Poet (many books published), journalist (Corriere della Sera), president of the Italian section of Pen Club International Association of Poets, Essayists, Novelists based in London.

GÉRARD-GEORGES LEMAIRE, Essayist, art and literary critic, he taught History of art criticism at the Brera Academy. Among the many volumes, a biography of Kafka, Grand Officer of the Arts et Lettres Order.

MIMMO PALADINO, Painter, sculptor, engraver, stage design director and designer, recipient of Ubu Prize, filmmaker, protagonist of Transavanguard movement, honorary member of London Royal Academy.

GIOVANNI PUGLISI, Professor Emeritus, President of IULM University, vice and vicar President Istituto Treccani, Kore University Rector.

JAMES WINES, Distinguished professor, architect, founder of Green Architecture and forerunner of Deconstructivism, president of SITE group.

Our deep gratitude to ROGER GUILLEMIN (Nobel Prize in  Medicine and researcher as a digital painter), DANI KARAVAN (Environmental sculptor, recipient of the Japanese Praemium Imperiale, Légion d’Honneur from French State, the first Unesco’s Prize of Peace), PAOLO PORTOGHESI (architect, historian and theorist of Postmodern as well as of  Geoarchitecture, president of Venice Biennale). They supported us since the beginning and we will always remember them with great affection  and admiration.




Editorial Board’s coordinator CHIARA CONSERVA


ALESSANDRO CALABRÌA Graduated in Law from the Università Cattolica in Milan, previously he had studied philosophy. He is a writer (novels and theatre), as well as a civil lawyer (social-security law, social insurance, labor law, inheritance and family law), he is also a trade-union consultant.

CRISTINA CARI Multimedia artist: painting, photography, sculpture, installations, A I, songwriter: about urban sociality, objets trouvés, scrimshaw, sometimes in tune with  Melville. Recommended  for UNESCO Prize (her work on show at Triennale) by Pierre Restany who, with Renato Barilli, invited her at Museo Novecento. Member of Brown Boveri group.

GIOVANNI CARUSELLI Collaborator for some Italian publishers (Einaudi, Rizzoli, Vallardi, Diakronia, etc.) for history and philosophy books. Among the essays he pusblished: “The PCI (Italian Communist Party) from Gramsci to Occhetto”, “One hundred years of Lombardia region history “(with others),” Memory and news “(with others).

CHIARA CONSERVA After a degree in economics she worked in the banking sector. She was then involved in the realization of the Fyinpaper.com project (being part of the management and editorial team). She is driven by the passion for books, theater, cinema, music, disciplines about which she writes.

MARIANNA DE VITA Architect and graphic designer in the visual arts field. She attended the Master of Art under the guidance of Achille Bonito Oliva. She loves publishing as much as her mom’s meatballs.

FABIO FOLLA Illustrator, graphic designer, storyteller, web experimenter, he teaches History of Art and Design, as at the School of Applied Arts of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. He also holds a Computer Game course at the Brera Academy. He has exhibited in group shows.

LUIGI MOIRAGHI He studied at the IUAV of Venice and at the Polytechnic of Milan. Freelance journalist, he has written for L’Arca, Modo magazines. He worked in Zurich, London and Berlin where he has been participating in urban renewal plans since 2005. Specialized in real estate, he works in that field as a consultant. Lives and works in Milan and Berlin.

VITTORIO RASCHETTI Graduated in Law and Philosophy, journalist, he teaches legal and economic disciplines. As an art critic, he also dealt with finance and collecting and curated numerous collective and personal exhibitions, including Raymundo Sesma in Milan, and “Tribute to Pippa Bacca”, a collaboration with the Milano City Hall and the Piero Manzoni Foundation.

ELENA SANTORO GROS Artist-photographer primarily dedicated to research, different series of artpieces produced since 2007. Among the last, Reality Texture for which she used Augmented Reality in bidimensional compositions (personal show at Casa della Cultura in Milan with aesthetic investigations by Roberto Diodato, Andrea Pinotti, Carmelo Strano).


ARIEL SOULÉ Born in Buenos Aires, he lived between Spain, the Us, France and Italy where he finally settled. Artist, musician, intellectual, he studied in Barcelona (Escuela Massana de Arte), in Paris (École des Beaux Arts), Milan (Brera Academy), Genoa (Conservatory).

CARMELO STRANO An outsider philosopher, theorist, critic, poet, distinguished professor of Aesthetics internationally awarded, he collaborated to many magazines and Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Tempo, L’Avanti, La Repubblica, La Sicilia (Photo by Elena santoro Gros).

FEUEI TOLA Artist (painting and multimedia), degree in Decoration from the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, she moved to Barcelona, where she attended the Master Creación Artistica and the Doctorate Posicionamientos Creativos at the Faculty of Fine Arts. Shows: group ones since 1992, personal ones since 1998 in Spain and then Palermo, Pisa, Milan.

MARILENA VITA A research artist (painting, video, performance, phot0graphy), different shows even abroad, for several years professor of Contemporary Art History at the University of Catania, curator; for the “Association Internationale Critiques d’Art” she is a member of the Council as well as General Secretary for the Italy Section; founder of Montevergini gallery, Siracusa

OTHERS COLLABORATING WITH THE EDITORIAL BOARD: Gabriele Artusio, Emanuele Magri, Patrizia Missagia (consulente comunicazione)

Cesare M. Casati designed the logos for our CAMERAFYINjournal, RAUSCHARTjournal, Comicsmagazine

