sabato 5 Ottobre 24

Daily Geoculture Review

Criticism Behaviour Imagination

Carmelo Strano editor

Home Autori Articoli di ZHU LI


1 ARTICOLI 0 Commenti
Currently the associate research fellow at Central Academy of Fine Arts (abbr. CAFA), the editor-in-chief of the Chinese version of CAFA ART INFO. She graduated from the Department of Art History and the Department of Printmaking at CAFA with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree respectively. She is now the Ph.D. candidate in CAFA with the research focus on Chinese modern and contemporary art and criticism. Her personal research project entitled Research on Contemporary Art Criticisms in the Context of Pan-Media Communication was found by the 2020 Independent Research Project of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. She participated in the compilation of several publications, such as Memory of the People’s Republic of China 1949-2019, and has published more than ten papers in various academic journals such as Art Research/ 中央美术学院副研究员,现为中央美术学院艺讯网中文版主编。本科与硕士分别毕业于中央美术学院美术史系和版画系,目前为中央美术学院美术学博士在读。主要从事中国现当代美术与批评研究,个人科研项目《泛媒介传播语境下的当代艺术批评研究》获中央美院2020年度自主科研立项资助。参与《共和国美术记忆1949—2019》等著作编写,在《美术研究》等学术刊物发表论文十余篇。
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